About Us
Who We Are
We are a fodder research and development company and a dairy goat farm. We champion and advocate for sustainable food systems through the production and consumption of healthy foods and diets for every Kenyan.
Our Company
At Christie’ s Farm, we offer transformative and innovative agriculture through various products, particularly on feeds, with our flagship product, Super Napier Packchong. We also offer various feed grasses for your livestock, fodder, tubers, and legumes to enhance your production.
We also offer training on quality management practices and step-by-step consultancy to enhance your production, feed conversion, and trends for individuals, institutions, and farmer groups.
Our Values
We are defined by sustainability, quality, and innovation.
We are at the forefront of agricultural innovation in technology and products.
Sustainability is at the center of our operations.
We take pride in offering top quality products and services.
Our Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals
No Poverty
At Christies Farm gate we are committed to ending poverty through tranformative agriculture which includes but is not limited to production of highly productive varieties that guarantee income for households acrosss the country. We are on the path to ensuring all communities access affordable fodder to transform their livelihoods.
Zero Hunger
At Christies Farm gate we are committed to achieving Zero Hunger through provision of quality , resilient fodder to communities across the country and the continent. Through provision of resilient high quality fodder, improve food production through livestock products thus actively contributing to zero hunger.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
We seek to guarantee individuals create and participate in gainful employment opportunities through agricultural extension and transfer of skills, knowledge and access to quality products.
Reduced Inequaities
To us, productive agriculture agriculture is the ultimate equalizer, we seek to provide equal access to our products , technologies and services through extensive outreach. Our reach goes beyond the conventional communities with a keen focus on marginalized groups and groups in ASAL areas.
Responsible Production and consumption
We advocate for responsible production practices such as organic farming, intercropping , production of individual feeds among communities.
Climate Action
We are on the forefront in combatting climate change and mitigating its effects through provision of climate smart varieties tailored around resilience , minimal resource and maximum output such as Super Napier Pakchong 1.
Life on land
We are commited to protecting, restoring and promoting sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss through provision of drought tolerant varieties and increasing land under active agriculture